SINCE 1993 | DIST : 317E

About Bangalore Airport City Lions Service Trust

The Bangalore Airport city Lions Service Trust is formed to establish and manage the permanent service projects of Lions Club of Bangalore Airport city. Only Lion member can be become the trustees of Lions Service trust, non Lions are not eligible to become the trustee.
It is a NGO established to serve the poor and needy people in the field of health, education, physically challenged, senior citizens and other similar such fields by establishing hospitals, orphans centers, hostels, old age home etc,.
The Bangalore Airport city Lions Service Trust has formed on 06.03.1997. The founder Chairman is Lion H.N.Vijayaraghava Reddy. Immediate past Chairman is Lion M.Muni Reddy, and Lion S Somashekar and the present Trust Chairman is Lion Linga Reddy.
Our Objectives:

To help the downtrodden citizens of the community and to assist the community particularly belonging to less fortunate brethren of the society.

To provide educational assistance to the poor and deserving students and medical assistance to the poor and deserving general public by establishing hospital and mobile clinic to provide facilities to the rural community.

To start and run lodging home for the poor and deserving students and senior citizens.

To uplift downtrodden socially, economically and cure the society from social evils.
Our Mission
To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

Trust Founding Team
The Trust founding team of office bearers and other 25 Trustees were all well placed, respectable, well educated members of the society who established a platform for service by joining together.

Charter Certificate
Dated : 23 : 03 : 1993